Fall Fundraiser


There will be a fundraising event to benefit the pantry on Saturday, October 17th from 6:30 to 9:30 at the Lancaster Elks Lodge, 33 Legion Parkway. The fundraiser is being run by supporters of the pantry and all proceeds will go to the pantry.

Official Announcement:

Chinese auction to benefit the Tri-Community Food Pantry. Tickets to attend the event will be $10.00. Ticket price includes entertainment (6:30 to 7:30), pizza, pop, snacks, and one sheet Chinese auction tickets. Drawings start at 7:30 p.m., must be present to win. There will also be a Cash bar, 50/50 Split.

There will be the following opportunities to volunteer:

  • Sell tickets at door
  • 50 / 50 ticket sellers
  • Distribute baskets to winners
  • Set up
  • Clean up

If you would like to volunteer for the event or have any questions regarding the event, you can contact Sandy Pieczynski at 308-7352. If you do volunteer, please sign up on the Volunteer Portal under the Fall Fundraiser event.