Volunteer FAQ

If you have already registered as a volunteer, Click here to log into the Volunteer Portal.

If you are not currently a volunteer, there are many opportunities to volunteer at the pantry. Some of the opportunities include:

  • Food Distribution – During the hours we are open assisting in the distribution of food to our clients.
  • Food Pick Up – We pick up donated food from several merchants on a regular basis
  • Special Events – We have several fundraising and food drive events throughout the year

As a volunteer, you will have exclusive access to a secure area on our website which we call our Volunteer Portal. You will be able to log in through the Volunteer Portal and have access to such things as:

  • Up to the minute announcements
  • Listing of future events
  • Directory of pantry personnel
  • Food safety recalls and tips

Please Note… the following policy applies to all volunteers under the age of 16:

  • Volunteers must be at least 13 years of age
  • Volunteers aged 13 to 16 must fill out a pantry provided permission form and have it signed by a parent or guardian
  • Volunteers aged 13 to 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian while volunteering

If you decide that you would like to volunteer, you will have to go through a short registration process where you will set up your account.